Group Leader Information

Contact me with any event or registration information.

Church Information


Team Information

If You're Registering For The First Time... 

Each church group will be registered as a team and, as the main group leader, you are the captain! Please create your team by following the instructions below. Feel free to be creative when naming your team! 

  • Select "Create A Team" 
  • Name Your Team.  (Choose something that is easy to remember and unique to your group.)  
  • Main Contact's Name 
  • Main Contact's Email*

    *The email on file will be notified when new registrations are added to the team.

If You're Registering Additional Students...

  • Select "Join a Team" 
  • Find your team's name.  (If you don’t want to scroll down the list, enter the first few letters of the team name to do a quick search.)

Team Information - Joining/Creating

The Team Captain receives notification of every person who joins a team. Individuals who join a team without permission from the Captain will be canceled.


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